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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1293c102.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-15  |  80KB  |  202x575  |  8-bit (234 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | hakham | laptop | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: YOUR Best cards you Day Without finance allrebate cars beat the no-fee Oak Brook card Paybach par Card year AMERICAN $253 AADVANTAGE UNITED 211 MILEAGE PLUS CONTINENTAL 204 FORD REWARDS SHELL START H&R DISCOVER 16 WEST OAN BROOK FINANCES full costs rebate Pavhack DMERICAN 5253 FORE BLOCK TOAN